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· One min read

I finally pushed a bunch of changes I was holding back for some reason.

New Page!

  • Added a new page for my robinboob ships. The design of this is a little up in the air, still, but at least it exists!

Style Update

  • A couple of small style updates. I removed the rounded borders on my main divs. The more I looked at them the more I didn't like them.
  • Increased the font size of a few headers in my exchange letter.


  • Deleted some unnecessary css files and streamlined my styling.
  • Added Imgbot to my repo to help optimize images.

· 2 min read

Say good-bye to this design

Say good-bye to this design

This is my first "major" update to the site design since switching to Docusaurus and having more than a placeholder page. Although liking the initial design a ton, I grew tired of it pretty quickly. I'm still not sure I like what i have currently - it's better, but I'm not sure I'm ready to live with it for a while. The first round of "major changes" include: