Thanks for joining me in my internet home! You might be wondering what exactly this place is and how you got here. How you got here is easy: you likely clicked on a random link from one of the many social media sites I visit and ended up here. What this is... is a little more difficult.
This is a personal site, my own little corner of the internet where I post all the stuff that I'd rather have gathered up into one area. You can find all my social media links here, check out my projects, find some tutorials, and find resources and recs for all sorts of thing.
In short, it's a peek into my chaotic, ADD brain.
Points of Interest
- Pages: standalone pages featuring my projects, the updates blog for this site, my owned ships, and more!
- Digital Garden: a public knowledge bank for all things I find neat - coding, open source software, etc - plus a selection of tutorials with a focus on techy stuff in fandom.
- Dragon Age Resources: a collection of resources for the Dragon Age fandom - both ones I've found useful and ones I've created myself.
- Dragon Age OCs: my toyhou.se folder for all my Dragon Age characters (still massively under construction like everything else in my life).
Where to Find Me
My social media are linked in the header above and the follow me section below. I tend to be most active on my various Discord servers, but I meander to other social media sometimes. Feel free to reach out to chat about Dragon Age or any of my other interests at any time. I'm not great about keeping up with conversations, tbh, because of my ADD, but I really am trying to get better about it.
In addition to the below socials, feel free to drop me a message or question on my retrospring!
RSS Note
The RSS link in the "Follow Me" section is an aggregated RSS feed of all of my social media compiled into one feed. It pulls all of my updates from tumblr, dreamwidth, firefish, and this site's update blog into one RSS. It's the easiest way to see almost everything I do.